Club History

In 2001 the Parish Council (who are the freeholders of the Village Recreation Ground) undertook a survey of the people of Langham to find out whether Tennis Courts would be a popular facility within the village. The result was a resounding yes, so a project was put in place at the request of the Parish Council to build 2 tennis courts and create Langham Tennis Club.

The planning committee proceeded to raise £42,000 through a mixture of fundraising and grants. Court construction commenced in 2002. Ian Sutherland project managed the entire build, ensuring that everything was built to the very highest standard to ensure a long life for the courts.

The courts opened for play in 2003. Jackie Heath became Langham Tennis Club's first coach, supported by Jutta Brawn. Later on, Mark Kleingeld came on board and has remained our lead coach ever since, supported by Ed Rudge.

Langham Tennis Club has run continuously since 2003. Membership fees have remained unchanged for the last 17 years and represent incredible value for money. Membership has grown gradually over the years and now stands at 163 people.

Mark Kleingeld and Ed Rudge run children's coaching sessions on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Their teams have done spectacularly well in the Essex Aegon competitions in recent years.

Infrastructure exists for the addition of court floodlighting if needed, and with increasing membership there is also the potential for creating a third court, which would allow us to enter teams in the local tennis leagues. Watch this space!